5 Times You Absolutely Need Liabilities Insurance

Life is full of unexpected surprises. While some of them may be good, like winning the lottery, others, like accidents or injuries, can be quite costly. That's where Public Liability Insurance comes in. This type of insurance can help you cover the costs associated with accidents or injuries that occur on your property. Here are three times when you absolutely need liabilities insurance and one time when you might not need it 1. When you need to protect your assets There are three instances when you should absolutely have liabilities insurance: when you own home when you have children, and when you have debt. Your home is likely your most valuable asset, and if someone is injured on your property, you could be sued for damages. If you have children, you want to make sure that they're taken care of financially if something happens to you. And if you have debt, you want to make sure that it's paid off in the event of your death. There's one instance when you might not...